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It is located in Büyükdere Armenian Catholic Church in Istanbul/TURKEY. It has 2 knee levers which one for grand organ and one for swell. Pitch: A438. Year estimated from ROS database serial number comparison.
Information | |
ROS Reg No. | 7018 |
Date Registered | 6/5/2023 |
Views | 1318 |
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Serial | 161355 |
Manufactured Date | 1896+/- |
Case Style | Parlor (with or without top) |
Maker Location | Boston |
Model | 447 |
Knee swells | |
Wood | |
Keys | 61 |
Manual(s) | 1 |
Range | F-F |
Stops | 12 |
Pump method | Pumped by Foot |
Stops |
Forte Dia.Mel. |
Octave Coupler |
Sub Base |
1 - Diapason |
2 - Viola |
Viola Dolce |
Vox Humana |
2 - Flute |
1 - Melodia |
Seraphone |
Voix Celeste |
Forte Vio.Fl.Ser. |