Reed Organ Information

Reed organs are enjoyed by many, yet they are one of the most misunderstood keyboard instruments. This information is great for those that have just acquired a reed organ or would like to learn how to restore it.

Where to Start Learning?

If you are not familiar with reed organs or harmoniums, take a look at the videos or browse through one of the Quarterlys that are sent to members.

Reed Organ Repair

Can you repair reed organs by yourself? Yes! As long as you have mechanical "know how" and plenty of time and patience a reed organ can be inexpensively returned back to the instrument it was meant to be.

Jim Tyler wrote this article called Reed Organ Repair - A Generic Approach to help those starting in this great hobby.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The most frequently asked question of all is the question of the value of the family heirloom - the old pump organ. Hopefully this article can help you understand the complexities and near impossibilities of that question.

There are other questions too, that may help what you are looking for.

Music Directory

Many CDs have been published featuring reed organs. If you are looking for something in particular this list will help.