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ROS Reg No. 6631

This lovely instrument was donated to the small Baptist Chapel at Brockley, near Bury St Edmunds, in Suffolk, England by a member of the congregation in 1957. It has been in regular use ever since. Originally pedal-blown, an electric blower was fitted around the 1970s and the left pedal was fixed in a static position (possibly to accommodate the blower entry or possibly simply because the pedal-strap had broken). It is still possible to play it using only air from the right pedal, although naturally it is difficult then to maintain a steady pressure. The electric blower is still the primary source of power.

Right knee-swell controls volume by means of opening/closing louvres on the top of the organ.

Lever operated by left foot operates as a "Full organ" stop, activating all stops at once.

Dimensions: Length: 74" (190 cms); Height: 55" (140 cms); Depth (from front of keyboard): 32" (81 cms)

Currently looking for a new home as part of a modernization project at the chapel.

ROS Reg No.6631
Date Registered5/25/2021
Manufactured DateMarch 7th, 1901
Case StyleChapel organ
Maker LocationMeriden, Connecticut
ModelGregorian Style No 40
Knee swellsYes
WoodBelieved to be mahogany
Pump methodElectric Blower + Pumped by Foot
Octave Coupler
Contra Basse
Eolian Harp 2'
Open Diapason 8'
Bourdon Bass 16'
Principal 4'
Harmonic Flute 4'
Bourdon Treble 16'
Open Diapason 8'
Melodia 8'
Vox Humana
Eolian Forte