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This lovely instrument was donated to the small Baptist Chapel at Brockley, near Bury St Edmunds, in Suffolk, England by a member of the congregation in 1957. It has been in regular use ever since. Originally pedal-blown, an electric blower was fitted around the 1970s and the left pedal was fixed in a static position (possibly to accommodate the blower entry or possibly simply because the pedal-strap had broken). It is still possible to play it using only air from the right pedal, although naturally it is difficult then to maintain a steady pressure. The electric blower is still the primary source of power.
Right knee-swell controls volume by means of opening/closing louvres on the top of the organ.
Lever operated by left foot operates as a "Full organ" stop, activating all stops at once.
Dimensions: Length: 74" (190 cms); Height: 55" (140 cms); Depth (from front of keyboard): 32" (81 cms)
Currently looking for a new home as part of a modernization project at the chapel.
Right knee-swell controls volume by means of opening/closing louvres on the top of the organ.
Lever operated by left foot operates as a "Full organ" stop, activating all stops at once.
Dimensions: Length: 74" (190 cms); Height: 55" (140 cms); Depth (from front of keyboard): 32" (81 cms)
Currently looking for a new home as part of a modernization project at the chapel.
Information | |
ROS Reg No. | 6631 |
Date Registered | 5/25/2021 |
Views | 47692 |
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Serial | 3884 |
Manufactured Date | March 7th, 1901 |
Case Style | Chapel organ |
Maker Location | Meriden, Connecticut |
Model | Gregorian Style No 40 |
Knee swells | Yes |
Wood | Believed to be mahogany |
Keys | 61 |
Manual(s) | 1 |
Range | C-C |
Stops | 12 |
Pump method | Electric Blower + Pumped by Foot |
Stops |
Octave Coupler |
Contra Basse |
Eolian Harp 2' |
Open Diapason 8' |
Bourdon Bass 16' |
Principal 4' |
Harmonic Flute 4' |
Bourdon Treble 16' |
Open Diapason 8' |
Melodia 8' |
Vox Humana |
Eolian Forte |